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About Us


Make Every Building
Carbon Neutral

We believe that the building industry has the power to change the fate of our planet. Decarbonization is the greatest investment opportunity right now and one whose impact will be felt far beyond our own time.

The building industry is responsible for 38% of carbon emissions—and the demand to deliver new homes, schools, and hospitals will only increase.

And yet innovations are happening every day. As an industry, we're finding new ways to measure impact, take accountability, and align investments with values. Change happens through small steps to address the reality of today and the possibility of tomorrow. 

From new low-carbon materials to investing in carbon removal, we've started the journey to making the carbon impact of buildings radically transparent and carbon-neutral building profitable. 

We envision a future where:

Builders don’t have to choose between profit and the planet.
Carbon-neutral practices are highly sought after.
Renters and buyers make carbon neutrality a requirement when choosing their next property.
Builders are rewarded and recognized for taking the risks necessary to move the building industry to a carbon-neutral future.
We are here to help make this future a reality.

Our Leadership

Carbon Title was founded in 2021 by Trevor Dryer and Miles Haladay. They were two friends obsessed with creating an exciting, high-growth company to address one of the biggest issues of our time. Miles’ long career in the construction software business combined with Trevor’s entrepreneurial fintech background served as the perfect mix of perspectives to create the world’s first building decarbonization platform.

Our Guiding Principles

These guiding principles help us make thoughtful decisions and serve our partners better in going carbon neutral as we grow our platform.

Create trust with

Radical Transparency

Radical transparency is the only way to build trust with your tenants, clients, financing partners, regulators, and community. Every ton of carbon needs to be accounted for. All emissions need to be recorded and shared transparently. Change won’t be linear, but we’re committed to sharing the highs and lows along the way as we work toward our BIG goal.

Make it


Our job is to make it as simple as possible for builders, developers, and contractors to lower their carbon impact. We’ll achieve this with an intuitive user interface that helps builders understand how to make carbon-neutral choices, navigate the carbon credit ecosystem, weigh tradeoffs, and build in the real world with an eye toward a sustainable future.

Inspire through


Leadership has the power to motivate others to take action. We understand the value in sharing milestones, being transparent, and making sustainability more accessible. And, we’re here to help you build a sustainability narrative that resonates with your brand, works within your budget, and ensures accountability.



It will, literally, take a village to lower our environmental impact. We’re here to help bring that village together behind one concerted effort. We aim to connect groups and leaders in the industry to share best practices, ideas, and accomplishments.